viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

My personal opinion about Italian Opera

In my opinion, the opera is a wonderful style of music which really shows how greate a voice can be. I love the fact that notes are really long and that they all have a vibrato that makes them seem even more amazing! I also like how the Italian language is heard while sung as an opera song. I really had no idea about how the Italian opera was, but know that I know, I really am amazed.
While doing some research, I found an Italian song that I thought was wonderful and I really liked. It is not totally opera but I really think its worth listening to. Its a duet sung with a Female & Male voice as the melody. The chorus is when the song turns more 'opera-like' but the wwhole song is amazing. One thing that really suprised me is the last part of the song, literally, the last note sung...Its amazing. Here is the link just in case you want to hear it :

Hope you enjoy it!!!


jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

Some Italian Opera Songs

Mamma. Sung by Leo Nucc

Musica proibit. Sung by Tito Gobbi

Arias. Sung by Natalie Dessa
This video/song is the longest. But it really is worth it! just listening to the first two minutes you can notice the ability that this women has in controlling her voice, and making the best out of it! This song is an Aria; the aria is when a character expresses feelings through a flowing melody, which means that the songs sung in this video are involved in an italian opera play.
In this song we can tell that the melody is sung by a female singer, with a smooth contour and has a high range because she is a soprano. By being opera, beats are pretty long. One of the most noticable characteristics of the opera is that the notes are longer than in other types of music and they all have a great Vibrato that make the notes sound even more exciting!
The song also involves Violins which have a mid-range to high range and transverse flutes that have a high range.
The Dynamicss in the Italian opera are really important because they help those that are listening to understand the feelings that are being expressed by the singning of the current song. Dynamics help us imagine the different enviorments that go with each song. For example, in the second 1:18 of the video, the melody ( sung by the female singer ) starts with a low volume in comparasm to the volume it will end up having.
Also, the dynamics of the other instruments are really important because they help us imagine the enviorment of the current scene of the play. We can also see from minute 1:18 that the violins start really soft and low and then finish with a much higher volume, just like the melody.

SOME instruments used in the Italian Opera

  • Viols
The viol (also known as the viola da gamba) is any one of a family of bowedand stringed musical instruments developed in the mid-late 15th century and used primarily in the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
  • Trombones

The trombone (German: Posaune, Spanish: trombón) is a musical instrument in the brass family. Like all brass instruments, sound is produced when the player’s vibrating lips (embouchure) cause the air column inside the instrument to vibrate.
  • Cornettes
The cornet is a brass instrument very similar to the trumpet, distinguished by its conical bore, compact shape
  • Traverse flutes

    A transverse flute or side-blown flute is a flute which is held horizontally when played. The player blows "across" theembouchure hole, in a direction perpendicular to the flute's body length.
  • Lutes

    It is a plucked string instrument with a neck (either fretted or unfretted) and a deep round back

  • Bagpipes

    Bagpipes have been played for centuries throughout large parts of Europe, the Caucasus, around the Persian Gulf and in Northern Africa.
  • Cromornes

Cromorne is a French woodwind reed instrument whose design originates in the early Baroque period in France

Italian Opera

Italy is the home of opera music. Opera music was created in Italy in the 17th century by Italian music composer Claudio Monteverdi. Italy has produced a consistent stream of some of the world’s best opera singers, conductors and composers up to the present day. For example, Luciano Pavarotti and Andrea Bocelli who are both singers of opera music.Because the grandiose nature of opera music, it relies heavily on the presence of favourable acoustics in the building that the opera music is being performed in. Examples of fantastic opera houses in Italy can be found in Milan, Venice, Naples and Verona to name only a few.

La Scala Milano. Milan, Italy. Inaugurated on 3 August 1778